Faith Community Services

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Faith communities have multiple ministries which make a meaningful impact far beyond their member congregations or inside their worship halls.

For the faith communities that do not provide direct services but do financially support those which do, we can provide evaluations of services to assure excellent stewardship of community investments. We can manage the faith community’s grant making process which may or not be aligned with service evaluations. We can pre-screen applications based on criteria developed by your faith community’s governing body. We can do background research on the finalists if desired. Cay Communications can also be the management staff for reviewing the grant award reports. We are able to help develop the actual notice of grant application with the application criteria based on your governing board’s values and mission.

For the faith communities that have developed direct services to specific populations of their communities, we can assist with resource development, assets and needs assessments, strategic planning which may include changing existing services and/or adding or reducing the services provided. Discovering other community ministries offering new services and developing collaborative relationships may allow both to better steward their resources financially, volunteers and allow each to expand the array of services any specific community has available.  We can help your staff and board develop a resource development strategy and implementation plan. We can write grants and assist your organization develop recording methods for grant reports.  Cay Communications has personnel who have worked for faith community ministries in a wide variety of services and roles. We look forward to helping your community ministry serve with excellence unto the Lord.