Launching a 501(c) IRS exempt charity
We offer meaningful consultation to help you and your initial colleagues/board of directors establish organizational mission, vision, values, goals, logo, case statement, structure, target constituencies to be served, goals and launch timelines; we conduct the crucial needs and assets assessment needed before a great idea turns into a great organization.
The steps to applying to the IRS to become a 501(c)3 charity can be intimidating and overwhelming. We have experience and can help:
Fine tune your organizational concept to assure you are not replicating existing initiatives; research and complete a comprehensive needs assessment for viability
Work with you to articulate and outline your vision, potential programming, collaborative partners and more
Guide you in establishment of the Inaugural Board of Directors
Choose a name for your Georgia nonprofit corporation and research if another organization already has an EIN for your desired name
Prepare and file your nonprofit articles of incorporation.
Prepare bylaws for your Georgia nonprofit corporation.
Develop three year budget forecast
File for the organization’s incorporation and E.I.N. application
Complete and file Form 1023 federal IRS 501(c) application
Draft all required supplemental application collateral
Execute other state and federal registration requirements
Guide or facilitate the first meeting of your board of directors to:
Introduce and approve the bylaws
Elect/appoint officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman (or President/VP), Secretary, Treasurer
Establish an accounting period and tax year
Guide the initial financial transactions of the corporation, such as choice of financial institution(s), official signatories and determine initial financial transactions.
Set the pace with a template for minutes for future meetings
Create all supporting materials