Launching a 501(c) IRS exempt charity

We offer meaningful consultation to help you and your initial colleagues/board of directors establish organizational mission, vision, values, goals, logo, case statement, structure, target constituencies to be served, goals and launch timelines; we conduct the crucial needs and assets assessment needed before a great idea turns into a great organization.


The steps to applying to the IRS to become a 501(c)3 charity can be intimidating and overwhelming.  We have experience and can help:

  • Fine tune your organizational concept to assure you are not replicating existing initiatives; research and complete a comprehensive needs assessment for viability

  • Work with you to articulate and outline your vision, potential programming, collaborative partners and more

  • Guide you in establishment of the Inaugural Board of Directors

  • Choose a name for your Georgia nonprofit corporation and research if another organization already has an EIN for your desired name

  • Prepare and file your nonprofit articles of incorporation.

  • Prepare bylaws for your Georgia nonprofit corporation.

  • Develop three year budget forecast

  • File for the organization’s incorporation and E.I.N. application

  • Complete and file Form 1023 federal IRS 501(c) application

  • Draft all required supplemental application collateral

  • Execute other state and federal registration requirements

Guide or facilitate the first meeting of your board of directors to:

  • Introduce and approve the bylaws

  • Elect/appoint officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman (or President/VP), Secretary, Treasurer

  • Establish an accounting period and tax year

  • Guide the initial financial transactions of the corporation, such as choice of financial   institution(s), official signatories and determine initial financial transactions.

  • Set the pace with a template for minutes for future meetings

  • Create all supporting materials

And when your IRS determination letter arrives, guide you in planning and strategy development for program roll out, public relations, fundraising and more!