Resource Development and Prospect Research
It is difficult for any nonprofit to survive - much less thrive - today without access to detailed, high-quality, current information about current and prospective donors, grant-makers, collaborative partners and parallel supportive community partners. Yet many nonprofits lack the time or financial resources to subscribe to (and manage effectively) a wide array of online information resources.
We provide a compilation of feasible charitable foundations, corporate funding opportunities, civic and community group opportunities and other targeted funders likely to support organizations serving unique missions; organize prospect data with all contact information, any known deadlines, site visit expectations, post grant reporting requirements, and typical grant making ranges.
As a part of the grant maker and funder research process, you can expect our team to complete the following activities as appropriate for your organization’s needs:
Draw upon combined resources for corporate, family, public, private and corporate grant makers on the local, regional and national level from our database, formulated through The Foundation Directory Online, GrantStation, Instrumentl, GrantMatch, Guidestar, EfficientGov Grant Finder, and our team of “Feet on the Street” prospect investigators
Contact potential funders, when appropriate, to determine probability of your mission matching their interests
Provide a customized, categorized overviews of potential funders with contact information, board members, grant deadlines, average awards and funding priorities
Make educated recommendations for the most feasible potential funders to pursue and a process for approaching the identified funders based on the mission, goals and program activities of your organization, and its current funding needs
Focused concentration for prospecting sponsors for special events and marketing initiatives among various tiers--small businesses, corporations, civic groups, neighborhood and civic groups
Outreach to foundation and corporate leaders to introduce the organization, invite for tours
Target funders for expansion support—expand your scope of support from Metro-Atlanta across the region, the state and nationwide—to keep pace organizational growth
Outreach to civic group leaders for public speaking opportunities with groups focused on charitable support and volunteerism for the charitable organizations’ constituencies: Civitans, Kiwanis, Rotary, Optimists, & Lions Clubs; outreach to College Panhellenic organizations to fund and “friend raise’; Women’s Clubs of Georgia, neighborhood service guilds, and many more