Strategic Planning and Development

We know you ultimately measure success by the impact and outcomes your organization makes —and this takes funding and resources.  That’s why we offer customized, comprehensive non-profit resource development strategies and action planning that deliver results. We empower you and your leadership with the tools for success to secure donations, grant awards, event attendance and launch creative income streams to meet organizational goals the extremely competitive world of nonprofit fundraising.


We help you navigate establishing your organization’s budget target goals and your prioritizing efforts in multiple areas of revenue resource development:  annual giving campaigns, grants, events, corporate and civic giving, volunteer, in-kind support, and fee-for-service streams. Exploration of collaborating with other nonprofits in similar footprints is another valuable service delivery resource. 

Cay Communications can provide keys to successful  relationships with other organizations serving your constituency(s).  Developing mutually reciprocal relationships at the appropriate level of mutual responsibility is an art. There are four levels of relationship nonprofits can have with other nonprofits, government organizations, and for profits: communication, cooperation, coordination, and collaboration.  We can assist you and your board choose the best relationship mix with the array potential mutually beneficial organizations for you at any stage of organizational maturity, new, has filed two 990 IRS returns, or mature and evolving. 

New, changing or evolving programs can open new doors for opportunity. These need new ways of managing relationships and new relationships. Consultants are particularly helpful to help your management/board by having your best interest as our mission while not being an actual member of your organization. 

High-performing nonprofits are guided by Strategic Plans that are refreshed quarterly or at least bi-annually.  This is constant quality improvement which is a best practice for nonprofits.

A strong strategic plan allows a nonprofit to set priorities, to develop three to five-year feasible budget projections for developing financial thresholds to implement programming and services. A comprehensive master plan will provide clear direction, unite the staff and Board, and enable all stakeholders on the team to work cohesively to advance your organization's mission with established, measurable benchmarks to monitor performance.

We work with nonprofits to develop an initial plan or refresh existing strategic plans, employing an appropriate tried-and-true best practices process that we tailor to meet each organization's unique characteristics.  Strategic Plans without Implementation Plans are not as useful as ones with actionable implementation steps, timetables, costs and responsibilities assigned contained within or as companions.  Implementation plans often refine the achievability and inform the timeline of the strategic plan.  Through this process, we:

  • Engage members of the Board, staff, donors and beneficiaries in the important work of strategic planning;  

  • Affirm your organization's mission (or redefine it, if appropriate) in light of the challenges posed by the pandemic;

  • Ensure your purpose is clearly communicated;  

  • Develop strategic, achievable, time-specific, measurable goals to guide your organization's growth and development against a three-year horizon;

  • Create an implementation action plan to ensure these goals are reached in a timely, efficient and financially responsible way;

  • Develop a process for communicating your new plan to those who need to know about it and support it. 

When the Strategic Plan is complete, nonprofits invariably tell us that the planning process is as valuable as the finished plan.